Saturday, October 18, 2008

Making Progress

Needing to add one more......

She's a work in progress.
Matt took the boys to Brenham this weekend for a visit to Grammy and Grandpa's, and so he could go to the Tech/Aggie game with my brother. I had the weekend to spread the crafts out again. I took advantage of being able to leave the sewing machine out and work on baby girl's stocking. I need to make a run in the morning for small black buttons for her eyes, and some smaller wooden buttons for the jumper. Once I get those, I can get her face stitched on, and sew the front and back pieces together. Then I will have to wait to complete the stocking until after she is born. I can't sew the cuff on until it's monogrammed with her name. At the rate we are going, that won't be until after she is born. Thankfully, it will be before Christmas! And thankfully, we are done with kids, because I don't want to make another one!

I was also able to get some scrapbooking done during the football game. I was too nervous to sit still. I'll have a little more time to get some more done after church tomorrow. The boys should be back around 3pm. Sorry, Matt, housecleaning just didn't make the list.

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