Wednesday, September 3, 2008

28 Weeks - Sweet Baby Girl Face

I had my 28 week appointment this morning, and a bonus sonogram. As far as I know, everything went well with the Glucose test. My blood pressure was 120/80, the baby's heart rate was 148 during the sonogram and in the 140s for the Dr. According to the sonogram measurements, she is STILL A GIRL, she weighs about 2 lbs. 13 oz. and is measuring in at 28 weeks and 6 days. Today I am 28 weeks and 1 day. They were checking out my placenta, which is still low-lying, but not a problem, and something called an EIF in one of the heart chambers. It appears smaller and they aren't concerned about it, either. It also showed that I am in the "high" end of normal for amniotic fluid. Maybe that's why I appear "bigger" than I really am. I'll keep telling myself that - she just has lots of room to move around! It's a little scary to admit that I gained 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks (too much yummy food at Grammy's), BUT I am about at the same place I was at 28 weeks with both boys' pregnancies. Does that make sense? I go back in 3 weeks. Only 12 weeks to go. November still seems like a long way off, but 12 weeks does not! Yikes! I guess it's time to kick Logan out of his room to make way for pink stuff! Here are the pictures from the sonogram today. Doesn't that sweet face just melt your heart? God chose me to be her Mommy!

What a little precious miracle.
Look at those little fingers. I can't wait to smooch on them all day!

On a side note: The guy at the Chili's take out counter made my day today. I've been getting really tired of reactions to how far along I am and that I still have until the end of November. He asked me today if it was my first baby, and I said, no, third. He told me I looked so skinny for a third baby. Then he said his boy was almost 2 and his wife was still trying to get the weight off. (I'd be mad if my husband said that about me to someone else, but it made me feel good.) Chili's for dinner anyone?

1 comment:

HoopDeeDoo said...

Oh my goodness...that sweet face. I got all teary eyed. Girls are so much fun, I can't wait for you to find out what it's like!