Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Long Overdue Week In Review

Unintentionally, I went on a blog break.

I spent the last week trying to get back into the swing of kids going back to school and husband going back to work after 2 weeks off. I taught 5 Jazzercise classes, Noah started basketball practice (with Matt coaching), Mattie went back to dance class, Christmas had to be put away, new stuff had to find a home among the clutter, my brother had surgery, and Matt had long nights at work. Oh, and trying to meal plan for the week after eating awesome food for 2 weeks straight? Impossible. And did I mention that I was fighting a sinus infection all week?

I hope Papa and Great Grandma aren't too mad at me.

We did try to take advantage of the weather this past week and get outside:

Mattie loves bubbles and her princess bubble wand.

The boys couldn't wait for the weekend, when they could play video games again!
They also had a weekend full of hockey. Saturday night they had boys night out with dad going to Plucker's for dinner before the game. Tonight, they are at another game, and here is a pic of the boys by their seats:
Matt upgraded them to the glass for tonight's game.
They were pumped. This pic was taken on Matt's phone. He took the camera, so I should have some more pictures to blog after they get home tonight.

Other noteworthy weekend happenings: I started working on my 2011 project 365 blog book (I ended up with a picture 305 out of 365 days). And the Houston Texans won their playoff game!!! :)

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