Thursday, April 22, 2010

Soccer Star

Logan is playing soccer this Spring at the YMCA.  He’s on a 3 year-olds team, and they have named themselves the Mean Green Dragons.  His first game was on April 10th.  Logan played the entire game, he scored every goal for his team, and his team won 17-4.  Did you catch that?  Logan scored 17 GOALS!  And Noah kept count of every one on the sidelines!IMG_2357 IMG_2358IMG_2369IMG_2371IMG_2373Daddy was in charge of the camera as I was on my way to Dallas.  I get to see Logan in action this Saturday.  More pictures of the soccer star to come.

1 comment:

Tracye said...

c-r-a-z-y! Those other 3 yr. olds don't stand a chance!