Monday, November 5, 2012

There Is No Such Thing As A Sure Bet

As most of you know, I teach Jazzercise. Every Friday in the fall, we wear our college colors and have Fun Football Friday. The majority of my Jazzercise friends wear burnt orange. It's an eye sore. So this past week, I asked them if they wanted to make a small wager on the game (since Tech was playing Texas). You should have heard the resounding NO that rang out through the room. When I gave them the terms: TECH wins you all wear red on Monday; Texas wins I will suck it up and wear burnt orange. I mean, come on people, how hard is it for you to wear red? You probably wear it more than you think. It's a lot less OBVIOUS than that other color that has been trademarked by the university! So they eventually said OK. Guess who made good on her bet this morning:
I think I might have thrown up a little.
Matt told me, "That just looks wrong." I agree.
I did make one tiny alteration to the top I borrowed from Crystal:
Bevo was sporting a red and black tattoo on his forehead!
They were even so nice as to give me a sympathy card:

Lesson Learned: Never bet on this game, even when Tech is favored by a lot. And Texas seems to be bad. They never are. Especially when they play Tech. I don't ever, ever, ever want to wear that color again. Ever.


Tracye said...

I'm beyond impressed.

Tracye said...

I am beyond impressed.