Tuesday, October 19, 2010

State Fair of Texas: Texas Tech Vs. Baylor

We headed to Dallas for the BU/TT Bowl at the Cotton Bowl!
Uncle Rob, Aunt Julie, Grammy and Grandpa went with us.
Officially in the fair, and walking to the Cotton Bowl for kick-off.
Go. Fight. Win.
Let's Go Red Raiders!

After the game, we filed out of the stadium to try and enjoy the fair. Boy was it crowded.
We were able to enjoy a Fletcher's Corn Dog, and I stood in line for 45 minutes to savor in a fried Snickers. Let me tell you, it was worth the wait! We also made it to the Midway to enjoy some games and rides:
This boy has no fear. None. He would ride anything we would let him, and anything that he is tall enough for!

Daddy and Noah take on the Ladybugs:

Noah and Mommy swing high above the fair:

We finally got Logan to agree to ride on something! Here are the boys waiting in line together:

Can you see them in the jeep just to the right of the sign?

Down the ramp:

Here they come:
After the fair, we headed back to Uncle Rob's for hamburgers. So yummy!
On Sunday, we headed home to Austin, but not before we made a stop at Cafe Brazil. The boys wanted IHOP, but we told them this would be better. That was an understatement. We sit down, get the kids menu, and take a look. Oh man.
3 huge pancakes, filled with M&Ms and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Drizzled with caramel sauce and topped with whipped cream.
Way better than IHOP. For Mom and Dad too. We both had Breakfast Relleno Crepes. Yum.
It was a fun weekend. Thankfully Tech won. Matt and I will be headed to Lubbock in a couple of weeks for Homecoming. I get to cheer with the Alumni on the field during the first half of the game. I'm really excited about that. Let's hope the team will be firing on all cylinders by then! Nevertheless, we love our Red Raiders!
Guns up and Go TECH!!!

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