Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hospital Test Run...Take 2

Had my 37 week appointment this morning. Somehow I managed to lose 3 pounds since last week. Must be water weight. Baby girl's heart rate was in the 150s. The bad news was my blood pressure was higher than it has been. Dr. Irvin came in and took it again, still high. She also said I had protein too. That meant it was time to look at getting baby girl out. She sent me to Labor and Delivery to be monitored and to have blood work drawn. The two options were to admit me after that and have a baby, or send me home if the bloodwork was ok, and come back in the morning to have a baby. The second option is what ended up happening. They sent me home to lay down on my side until tomorrow morning. I have to be at the hospital by 7am. If it happens as fast as Logan came, we should have a baby by lunchtime. Stay tuned........

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