Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So Far Behind (Blogging, That Is)..... Look Out Kindergarten, Here Comes Logan!

 High Hopes Preschool Graduation
 When he grows up, Logan wants to be a race car driver.
 Always remember, you are God's Mighty Warrior!
 Receiving his Bible from Mrs. Nicole.

The Fab Fives:
Logan and Jacey
 Being a robot:
 You know that kid at school programs that sings at the top of his lungs? Yep. He's mine. I love it.
 With his teacher, Mrs. Nicole. She was also his teacher in his very first preschool Bear class!
 Music and Chapel teacher, Mrs. Patti. They LOVE her. She ROCKS!

With his two best buddies, Tanner and Ty.
They have been in class together since the bear class (age 2).
This kid is ready to rock Kindergarten!
We are so proud of you Little Man.

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