We've been to the doctor twice this week for well-checks. First on Tuesday for Mattie's 9 month check up, and then today for Logan's 3 year check-up. Don't ask me why, but they wouldn't schedule them on the same day.
Mattie first:
height: 29 inches (90%)
weight: 18 lbs. 7.5 oz (25-50%)
head is at 50%
She is right on schedule developmentally, just not really interested in crawling. Who needs to crawl when you have two brothers to entertain you! She has the waving motion down, but doesn't associate it with bye-bye yet. She's started bouncing up and down a lot on her bottom, and might actually start moving that way :). She also finally figured out how to get the puffs off of her high-chair tray and into her mouth - two and three at a time! We also tasted some yogurt melts this week. Yum! She says dadada and nananana, lalalala, and still makes her scuttle sounding roars. Grandma has been working on baa, and she said ba for me last night when we were playing with a ball. No shots this time, just a stick of the toe for anemia check. We go back for our 1 year visit in November, and maybe before then for a flu shot.
Logan's turn:
weight: 30 lbs. (25-50%)
height: 38 3/4 inches (75-90%)
BMI: less than 5%
He's beyond where she asked him to be developmentally: knowing ABC's, counting to 10, colors, brushing teeth and dressing self, drawing circles, pretend play. He was answering the questions as she asked them! No shots for him today either. We were able to go ahead and get the flu mist vaccine for him and for Noah at this visit, so we won't have to go back in a couple of months for flu shots!
I'm so thankful to have healthy and happy kids. Thank You Jesus, for letting me be the mommy to these 3 precious children. (And thank You for walking beside me as I try to bring them up in the way that they should go.)
Camouflaged E.T. Balls
21 hours ago
1 comment:
You do a beautiful job too, darling. Love, Mom
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