Mattie had her 2 month well check today.
Her stats:
weight: 12 lbs. 8 oz (90%)
height: 23 3/4" (90-95%)
head: 39 (50-75%)
Developmentally she is right on track: responding to sounds, following with her eyes, cooing, and smiling. Dr A was very shocked to find out that she has already rolled tummy to back (and she did it at 4 wks) and when she put Mattie on her tummy, she held her head up like a 4 month old. I may have an early crawler, yikes! I don't want her to grow up this fast! She got 3 shots and an oral vaccine today. She's doing pretty well in response to all of that. We'll see what happens tonight. We've had 3 nights in a row of not going to sleep until at least 2am. Growth spurt?!
Camouflaged E.T. Balls
21 hours ago
1 comment:
ugh- i thought you just meant she was waking more often to feed at night! :( Not going down til 2am is pretty rough! I will be praying for you tonight!
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