Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Princess Has Arrived!

Matilyn Dawn Cothern
November 5, 2008
7 lbs. 13 oz.
20.5 inches
Sorry it has taken so long to post a picture. The computer has been having issues. But here she is! Everything went great and fast! The induction started at 9am. They broke my water at 10:20am, epidural at 10:30. I started pushing at noon and she was born at 12:03! Every childbirth should be so easy! I feel great. We had a good night last night, actually got some sleep. Looking forward to a day filled with visitors, and lots and lots of snuggles with my girl! We should go home sometime on Friday. Can't wait for everyone to meet her!

1 comment:

Bettye said...

Matilyn is just beautiful. Looks just like her momma! And that HAIR..... must be a Brehm thing! I know your mom is beaming as I was the first time I saw Sarah. I can't believe how much I love little Sarah and what she stirs in my heart. Having a little girl is a whole new experience. You will enjoy every moment.
Congratulations to the whole family. I can't wait to meet & HOLD her!