I'm standing at the Rec Center, manning the computer cart for the Jazzercise One Day Sale, passing the time on the internet. Might as well blog some randomness.
*Mattie is getting so big. So much better at walking. I can't believe she will be 15 months next week. Her latest obsession is the stairs. The gate is pretty much up permanently. However, when I do take it down, her eyes light up, mouth goes wide open, she drops to the floor and makes a bee-line for the stairs. I've noticed following her up, that she has the cutest little hiney wiggle.
*At dinner last night, Noah asked Logan which team he was rooting for (saints/vikings). Logan says, "I'm cheering for the team that wins."
*Yesterday while walking, Mattie fell forward to her hands, then stood back up in the middle of the room. That's the first time she's done that.
*The new oven/stove is a dream. Almost nothing beats the smell of fresh baked bread. Matt made a 2nd batch of zwieback last night. Mmmmm. Heaven.
*Don't tell anyone that walks by the computer cart right now that I have peanut M&M's stashed underneath. Hey, that's one reason why I Jazzericse.
*My nephew is turning 12 on Saturday. We are going to Houston this weekend to celebrate with him. The boys can't wait. Noah gets to have his 2nd sleepover and Logan is getting to have his 1st! When he found out he would be included, his jaw dropped to the floor. "I'm going to have so much fun."
*We will probably try to go to the Houston Zoo while we are there. Last week Logan was asking his daddy about animals. "Dad, are porcupines real? Are tigers real? Are lions real?" "Don't you remember Logan, we saw them at the zoo?" To which Logan says, "I've never been to the zoo." Poor little man. He was 11 months old the last time we went. It's time to go back.
*Grandma and Grammy are teaming up to take care of the kids in April while Matt and I go to New Orleans. Now all we need is Grandma Ruth to make an appearance so it can be 3 on 3. Last time it was 3 grandmas to 1 Noah. Watch out for naked babies in the backyard! :)
*Noah's getting excited about his 3rd season of flag football. Games will start at the end of March.
*I'm hoping Logan will get to play YMCA soccer this spring. I have a feeling Matt and I will be going in opposite directions on Saturday mornings. It begins.
*Mattie has her first Little Gym class tomorrow morning. I will have pictures to post, for sure. I bet she will have a blast! She can climb to her heart's content.
OK, I think I have successfully emptied my brain....if that is at all possible. I think I have the slow shift, which is fine by me. I think I'll read some Eclipse!
Deep Thoughts
1 day ago